A type of processor Texas Instruments OMAP3530. This dual-core processor specializing in medical an industrial applications consists of a ARMV4 processor type of a speed and a DSP 600mh a speed 200mh used for treatment of real-time signal.
The results are transmitted via the mobile network at a national data center.
A cardiologist download this information on its Cardio Pad and interpreter.
The cardiologist sends its diagnosis and prescription.
Conçu dans l'objectif de réduire le taux de mortalité due aux maladies cardiovasculaires dans le tiers monde. le cardio-pad est un instrument médical permettant d'enregistrer et analyser l'activité cardiaque d'un patient dans le but de produire un diagnostic. Le Cardio-pad permet de réaliser un examen Electrocardiogramme complet de douze(12) pistes, Ceci grâce à un ensemble d'accessoires livrés dans un outil complet appelé le Kit Cardio-Pad.
Our solution has a direct medical impact. In fact, the Cardio-Pad provides many software tools for computer assisted diagnosis. This function will improve the cardiac diagnosis and facilitate the task of the cardiologist and the work of nurses.
Through the transmission of medical data via the GSM / GPRS, patients in rural areas can be examined in their village without moving to larger cities. This will allow the patients to save their money and their time while reducing the risks associated with travel. This will also allow most patients to be better monitored by the cardiologists.